Julie L. Kessler
lawyer traveler writer


Weekend Escape: Camarillo, Oxnard & Ventura

Jan. 6, 2016

The print version of my article “A head-clearing jaunt to Ventura during the holidays” will appear in this Sunday’s Travel section of The L.A. Times. The link to the digital version is below:


Papua New Guinea Supreme Court Justice Ambeng Kandakasi

Dec. 15, 2015

My article covering a recent trip to Papua New Guinea and my interview with PNG Supreme Court justice, the Honorable Ambeng Kandakasi appears in today’s editions of The L.A. Daily Journal and The S.F. Daily Journal.

Maryland’s capital a treasure trove

Dec. 14, 2015

My article on Annapolis appeared on the front page of the Sunday Travel Section of yesterday’s edition of The Honolulu Star-Advertiser. History, sailing, architecture, sightseeing and more fabulous crab cakes and other dining delicacies than one can shake a stick at. Just remember that “diet” is a four-letter word. Here's the story:


Papua New Guinea

Nov. 27, 2015

I’m back now in the U.S. after a long journey to Papua New Guinea, Singapore and Hong Kong for various publications. While in PNG, I was able to interview Mr. Paias Wingti, Governor of the Western Highlands, as well as PNG Supreme Court Justice the Honorable Ambeng Kandakasi. Newspaper and magazine articles to follow.

Mass murders and gun insurance

Nov. 2, 2015

My article on the continuing mass murder crisis in the U.S. and a possible solution by mandating that gun insurance be obtained by all gun owners will appear in tomorrow’s edition of The L.A. Daily Journal and The S.F. Daily Journal.


It may sound like a Faustian bargain, but if the tragedy of Sandy Hook didn’t foster realistic gun control measures, apparently no amount of bloodletting will.

Sonoma Bliss

Nov. 1, 2015

My article “Sonoma Bliss” appeared today on the front page of The Honolulu Star-Advertiser's, Sunday Travel Section. Click here to read the article:


The continuing humanitarian crisis in Europe

Sep. 25, 2015

My article “U.S. must accept its fair share of refugees” appeared in today’s edition of The L.A. Daily Journal and The S.F. Daily Journal.  This article discusses the continuing crisis as Europe attempts to deal with the vast human migration of refugees to its shores. And in a twist of historical irony, Mama Merkel and Germany are leading the way.

Press luncheon held by China Southern Airlines

Sep. 22, 2015

A most enjoyable Press luncheon hosted by China Southern Airlines at The Palm on September 22, 2015.

Northern Japan and the Russian Far East

Sep. 20, 2015

My article on Northern Japan and the Russian Far East appeared on the front page of the Sunday Travel Section of The Honolulu Star-Advertiser. Read it here:


Great Wolf Lodge's latest giant water park to splash down near Disneyland

Sep. 18, 2015

My short article on the opening of Great Wolf Lodge in Orange County, California appeared in The L.A. Times, Sunday Travel Section yesterday; click here to read it.

The Good Life Expo in Honolulu

Aug. 31, 2015

I have been asked to speak at The Good Life Expo in Honolulu at The Neil Blaisdell Center. I will be speaking on Friday, September 25th at 8:30am and 3:30pm and again on Sunday, September 27th at 9:30am. The topic will be travel and cruising.

Privacy rights v. Free speech

Aug. 17, 2015

My article “If it’s on the Web, it’s true, right?” appears in today’s edition of The L.A. Daily Journal. The article discusses how your basic right to privacy stacks up against the competing interest of free speech.


The article also examines the right-to-be-forgotten rules as interpreted and applied by the European Court of Justice in the May 2014 Gonzalez case, as well as the recent decision by France’s Commission Nationale de l’informatique et des Libertes (CNIL) to order Google to apply those rules internationally. Google declined.


Legitimate arguments are present on both sides: Is it Internet censorship or the legitimate protection of one’s right to privacy?


There is now pending a case before the Federal Trade Commission against Google filed by the adovcacy group Consumer Watchdog, alleging that Google’s conduct is an “unfair and deceptive practice” under the FTC Act.


Is the price we pay for our critically important right of free speech that we have zero control over our Internet presence even when that information is misleading, incorrect or just plain wrong?

Cruising Alaska

Aug. 16, 2015

My article "Cruising Alaska" on Silversea's Silver Shadow appears on the front page of today’s edition of The Honolulu Star-Advertiser, Sunday Travel section. Read it here:


The most hated man in America

Aug. 5, 2015

My article “What’s next for Cecil the lion’s killer” appeared in today’s edition of The L.A. Daily Journal. This article discusses Minnesota dentist Walter Palmer’s cowardly act of luring Zimbabwe’s national treasure, Cecil, out of the Hwange Reserve Park, shooting him with a bow and arrow, then spending the next 40 hours pursuing him. When finally caught, Palmer skinned Cecil, and then beheaded him. Killing simply for the sake of killing. Just because he could.

Because of the international outrage against this senseless act, Palmer’s River Bluff Dental practice in tony Bloomington, Minnesota has closed and he has gone underground. The article further discusses potential legal action against Palmer under The Lacey Act, as amended, a federal law which provides for both civil and criminal penalties, and also Zimbabwe’s extradition request that he stand trial there. (This was not Palmer’s first brush with federal authorities for illegal conduct. In 2009, Palmer was convicted for lying about a bear kill in Wisconsin, fined $3,000 and put on a year’s probation.)

Palmer should be extradited to Zimbabwe to face the consequences of his illegal and despicable conduct.

Mass shootings, America’s new normal

Jul. 29, 2015

My article "Mass shootings, America’s new normal" appears in today’s edition of The L.A. Daily Journal. In this article, I compare the fear of being caught up in an intense typhoon in the Sea of Japan with the fear of being caught up in the seemingly never-ending crossfire of routine mass shootings and what living with this fear means to our collective conscience.


Also discussed of course is the National Rifle Association’s de facto slogan of “Guns don’t kill, people do,” which makes as much sense as the Flat Earth myth that flourished between 1870 and 1920 that likely resulted from Washington Irving’s 1828 biography of Christopher Columbus. (Even though it is highly doubtful that Columbus’s sailing pals were fearful of falling off the earth’s edge during their work day in service to Ferdinand and Isabella.)


NEWSFLASH: The earth is not flat, but round. And a person without a gun simply cannot shoot to death, injure or maim an innocent person.

The case of unmistaken identity

Jun. 24, 2015

My article “Rachel Dolezal and unmistaken identity” appears in today’s edition of The L.A. Daily Journal. The article discussed the recent uproar over Ms. Dolezal assertions of ethnic blackness in light of recent revelations about her personal history. The article also discusses issues of self-identity, social construct and the collective narrative in light of the many issues this case brings to the surface.


Full article off copyright and now available:


Calling all Lithuanian readers…

Jun. 9, 2015

My book Fifty-Fifty: the Clarity of Hindsight is now available in Lithuania!

Knygos pagal autorių: Julie L. Kessler / Knygos.lt – knygos …

https://www.knygos.lt/lt/knygos/autorius/julie-l-kessler/ – Translate this page

Julie L. Kessler knygos internetu! Nuolaidos ir Akcijos kasdien! Jūsų knygynas internete – Knygos.lt.

Southern Exposure

Jun. 7, 2015

My article on Macon, GA and Charleston, S.C. appeared on the front page of today’s edition of The Honolulu Star-Advertiser, Sunday Travel Section. Read it here: 


Humanitarian crises at sea

May 26, 2015

My article “Humanitarian crises at sea” will appear in the May 28, 2015 edition of The L.A. Daily Journal and The S.F. Daily Journal.  The article discusses the continuing crisis taking place off the coasts of Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia, where about 7,000 maritime migrant refugees from Burma and Bangladesh have been languishing at sea without food or water, after their overcrowded vessels were denied the right to make landfall and pushed further out to sea by the nations where they sought refuge.


The Burmese refugees are Rohingyas, a small Muslim minority of about one million people in Buddhist-majority Burma, with a population of approximately 53 million. The Bangladeshi refugees are economic migrants fleeing abject poverty.


The nations of Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia were initially pushing these boats further out to sea to near certain death. After intense international pressure, Malaysia finally agreed to send out its navy to engage in search-and-rescue missions. Indonesia said it would offer temporary shelter to those refugees already on its shores, but would not send rescuers out to sea. Thailand said it would not take in additional survivors.


To say that time is of the essence for swift action would be an understatement of epic proportions.


Full article off copyright and now available:


Another casualty in the war on free speech

May 20, 2015

My article “Another casualty in the war on free speech” appeared in today’s edition of The L.A. Daily Journal and The S.F. Daily Journal. The article discussed the recent hacking murder by machete of Bangladeshi banker and secular writer, Ananda Bijoy Das.


Das wrote mainly on science and evolution of the Soviet Union and also wrote for Mukto-Mona, the website started by Ajivit Roy, an American citizen, PhD-trained software engineer and writer, who was murdered by machete hacking in February while in Dhaka visiting his elderly mother and attending the 2015 Ekushey Book Festival.


In March, another Bangladeshi secular writer, Washiku Rahman, a Roy admirer who protested Roy’s murder, was then himself murdered by machete hacking 50 feet from his home in Dhaka.


Just as the Charlie Hebdo journalists’ murders are evidence of the current epidemic, so are these. The clear message: Write something we don’t like or don’t agree with, and you will die a painful, horrible and public death.


Full article off copyright and now available:
