Feb. 27, 2014
My article entitled “Its a date: your doctor, big pharmaceuticals” appeared in yesterday’s edition of The Los Angeles Daily Journal. In it I discussed the recent trend of physician-speakers being paid by big pharmas to impart vital information to other physicians respecting new technologies, new drugs, new devices, new indications for old devices and new safety issues. These meetings often occur in restaurants during the dinner hour. The Food & Drug Administration tightly controls what information can be disseminated to physicians and pharmas can only transmit such FDA-approved information. Frankly, I would far prefer that physicians get their data from similar trained colleagues in a relaxed setting than from some sales rep interrupting the physician during busy patient appointment hours. So what if the physician-speaker is being paid? That does not make him or her less of a scientist, or a professional. It is only means that the physician-speaker is being paid for his or her time; basically like everyone else. Who cares where such vital information is obtained. Is a hospital cafeteria with largely lousy food really so superior a learning environment to a relaxed restaurant setting over a decent meal? While big pharmas (and their shareholders) have millions on the table, our physicians have our health and very lives at stake.
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Feb. 20, 2014
I recently wrote about censorship and the fate of Adolph Hitler’s notorious Mein Kampf. That book was originally published in 1925 and highlighted the ravings of a poisoned mind. Now, in 2014, the spectre of censorship–which I feel should not cast a shadow even over trash like Mein Kampf–is appearing again in relation to a book. But this time, it’s a book of serious scholarship that has been successfully suppressed in India by a religious pressure group. The Hindus: An Alternative History, by Wendy Doniger, a University of Chicago historian, has been withdrawn by its publisher, Penguin Books India. My latest article in the LADJ which appeared on February 19, 2014 deals with this chilling development.
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Feb. 14, 2014
My article entitled “The FATCA fallout: soaring expatriatism” appears in the February 12, 2014 edition of the LA Daily Journal. The article summarizes the unintended fallout of the Foreign Account Taxation Compliance Act (FATCA) and summarizes the Department of the Treasury’s just-released statistics, which reported that in calendar year 2013, 2,999 Americans voluntarily gave up their U.S. citizenship. This is an enormous increase over the years prior to FATCA’s implementation, and is no doubt partly a direct reflection of the onerous reporting requirements mandated by FATCA, as well as of the extreme difficulties many Americans who live overseas face in their day-to-day dealings with local banks that can’t or don’t want to comply with FATCA.
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Feb. 5, 2014
My article entitled “Addressing India’s epidemic of violence towards women“ appeared in today’s edition of The Los Angeles Daily Journal. This article details the recent increase in rapes, gang-rapes and other violent crimes against women, both Indians and tourists, which has come to the world’s attention during the past year. It has resulted in a tarnishing of India’s reputation as a tourist destination and ignited widespread alarm. The first wave of legal change, including the death penalty for rape, seems to have come about mostly because of economic concerns and the resulting significant drop in foreign tourism dollars to India. Whatever the impetus for change, change must happen. This change must include actual, uniform enforcement of laws protecting women, in tandem with education to combat India’s pervasive, cradle to grave gender discrimination, along with a massive literacy campaign to bring India in line with the literacy rates of Sri Lanka, Burma and China. If not, then all of the otherwise impressive progress India has made since its independence from Britain in 1947 will be ultimately destroyed.
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Jan. 29, 2014
My article "Hitler manifesto cleared for republication" appears in The Los Angeles Daily Journal today.
As some of you know, I was in London last week for the awards gala honoring winners of The London Book Festival. As the Holocaust Memorial Day occurred in the U.K. this past Monday, the British press had several lengthy discussions concerning the upcoming expiration of the German copyright of Mein Kampf, one of the most racist, bigoted and morally bereft books to appear since humans put ink to paper.
My article discussed the historical context of Mein Kampf’s original publication in 1924, Neo-Nazi revisionist history and the implications of suppression of books and ideas, regardless of how offensive, in the context of free speech that we in this country enjoy.
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Jan. 28, 2014
I am happy to report that my book Fifty-Fifty: The Clarity of Hindsight is now available in China as well as through two additional distribution channels in India. It’s a small world after all!
Jan. 22, 2014
Last week in the very center of Kabul, just a few blocks from both the British and American embassies, in an area known to be heavily frequented by foreigners — aid workers, diplomats, and journalists — a Taliban suicide bomber and some gunmen attacked a popular restaurant, killing 21 people. Of those murdered, 13 were expatriates, two were American academics from the American University of Afghanistan, and four were women. One of the expatriate victims was the country chief for the International Monetary Fund.
With seemingly never-ending strife in the region, the public has, over the years, become somewhat inured to news of suicide bombers in general and Taliban suicide bombers in particular. However, this attack was especially shocking, not just because it brazenly targeted a restaurant known to be popular among foreigners during the busy dinner hour (and when the initial blast didn’t do enough damage, gunmen entered and simply gunned down patrons at their tables), but because those foreigners were in Afghanistan specifically to aid it or bring the world news about it. President Hamid Karzai, in a statement issued almost a day later, condemned the attack, but also made a clear reference to a NATO airstrike a week earlier in a province north of Kabul, saying that foreign troops must “know the difference between victims and terrorists.”
It is, from my vantage point, very, very difficult to comprehend either the attack or Karzai’s comments.
In the mid-2000’s, I sought out some pro bono work to add an emotional counterweight to the dizzying profits being made by clients on the commercial real estate financing deals I worked on by day. In early 2005, I came across the Afghan Dental Relief Project, a 501(c)(3) organization whose mission it was to provide dentists, dental care, dental supplies, and education to a war-torn country that did not have a single dental school. The ADRP was the brain child of Santa Barbara dentist James G. Rolfe, a singularly dedicated man with an undeniable soft spot for the less-fortunate.
After a few telephone conversations with Dr. Rolfe, I drove up to Santa Barbara one afternoon and met with him, his long-time girlfriend, and a handful of other ADRP volunteers. The meeting took place off a dirt road just north of the city on a spit of barren land, where I found Dr. Rolfe and his volunteers all working together on various aspects of renovationsof donated shipping containers. This was hard-core manual labor in which both the skilled and unskilled helped in the process of converting the shipping containers into a multi-room dental clinic, including laboratory areas and x-ray machines. The goal was for the containers to be shipped to Kabul along with several thousand pounds of dental supplies and sit on land to be donated by the Afghan government. The plan was that it would be staffed by a roving roster of ADRP volunteer dentists and staff. These were goals that were far loftier than anyone could then have imagined. After this meeting (as well as a few blisters and an impromptu beer-laden barbeque on the dirt road), I became counsel for the ADRP.
For the next eighteen months, I went to a host of meetings in Los Angeles and Santa Barbara attended by various volunteers, fundraisers, American Afghanis, and traveling Afghani diplomats. I worked on a variety of contracts whose end game was the establishment of the ADRP’s clinic and dental school in Kabul. One of the contracts was a land use agreement for vacant land in central Kabul, land which, ostensibly anyway, was to be donated by the Afghanistan Ministry of Housing and Urban Development, in concert with the Afghanistan Ministry of Health and the Afghanistan Ministry of Education.
Starting in 2003, Dr. Rolfe made several trips to Kabul at his own expense, and donated countless hours of his time. He was, and remains, an utterly tireless man who has stayed the course true to his convictions, often in the face of odds that would have stopped most mere mortals cold.
Once the land use agreement was signed, finishing touches were put on the outfitted containers. Inside these old containers was now a state-of-the-art dental clinic. With tens of thousands of dollars of supplies amassed, and with dentists, dental assistants, and hygienists lined up to volunteer on a rotating basis, the containers and supplies were shipped to Kabul. Once there, construction of the surrounding structures could be commenced and the real work could begin — providing dental care and dental education to Afghanis at no or nominal charge.
It was, in three words, an unmitigated disaster. As it turned out, the Afghani officials Dr. Rolfe had negotiated with were more interested in baksheesh (bribery money) and expensive trinkets than in establishing a Western-style clinic, even one that would not have cost them a cent to build and would have provided free, quality dental care to Afghanis. Once the Afghani officials reneged on the land provision, there was nowhere to house the containers and supplies while Dr. Rolfe attempted to secure an alternative site for the clinic. As security was, and remains, a major issue in Afghanistan, Dr. Rolfe then made the heartbreaking and costly decision to have the containers and all of the supplies shipped back to the U.S. It was around this time, in late 2006, that I left the ADRP. Not because I no longer believed in its mission — I will always believe that the provision of healthcare is the cornerstone of any just society — but because trying to do this in Afghanistan at the time, it seemed to me anyway, was utterly futile. If we couldn’t trust the government officials who signed the negotiated agreements, I believed it was hopeless to try to go forward.
Fortunately for the Afghani people, in the face of nearly insurmountable odds and having spent nearly all of the ADRP funds and his own personal savings on this endeavor, Dr. Rolfe’s personal ideals and professional goals never waivered. In November 2007, the container clinic and 120,000 pounds of dental supplies arrived once again in Kabul. And in May 2008, the new Dental Clinic of Kabul opened its doors on land next to the Kabul volunteer center, and included a dental training school. However, about a year ago, the ADRP was summarily evicted from this land and at the same time, coincidentally, most of its equipment was stolen. The ADRP then leased temporary space when, six months ago, the municipality of Kabul finally gave the ADRP an acre of land in central Kabul. The new clinic is now ready, except for electricity; the necessary ditches are currently being dug through the brutal Afghan winter, and electricity should be available in the next couple of months. One hopes.
What the future holds for the Dental Clinic of Kabul and the volunteer expatriates who serve there on a rotating basis remains to be seen. Of course, I wholeheartedly applaud Dr. Rolfe and the other ADRP volunteers. They are a selfless, completely apolitical group whose sole goal is to make life better and healthier for those far less fortunate than they are. But they and other expatriates need to be guaranteed a reasonable degree of safety while they work and live in the host country in which they choose to serve.
This is perhaps what makes this most recent Taliban terrorist act so awful and so disheartening. Becoming yet another casualty of jihad, any jihad, anywhere, serves no humanitarian purpose whatsoever. What is does, though, is to remind us of the most base evil of which humans are capable: indiscriminate killing.
Without a doubt, there are far too few men like Dr. Rolfe, and indeed, he shows no sign of slowing down his efforts to bring quality dental care to Afghanistan. In the end, however, expatriates generous of spirit may understandably decide that the personal risks far outweigh any potential good they may accomplish, no matter how desperately they are needed by an impoverished, grateful and war-weary people. And that may be the biggest humanitarian tragedy of all.
Jan. 15, 2014
My article “You’ve come a long way, baby, Part II” appeared in today’s edition of The L.A. Daily Journal. This article discussed the great strides women have made in the U.S. military, specifically, the first three women to complete the grueling U.S. Marines combat infantry course. It also discussed the fact the rate among women for heart disease and heart attacks now equals that of men, though women receive less aggressive treatment. Perhaps more importantly, it included an analysis of several other women who have recently become famous and infamous: “Jihad Jane,” “Jihad Jamie” and “The White Widow.” Proof that women will, when given the same opportunities as men, not only engage in precisely the same conduct (with equal number of attendant heart attacks apparently), but also do equally as good a job as men will. To include the good, the bad and the very ugly.
Yes, we’ve come a long way, baby. A very long way indeed.
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Jan. 9, 2014
Instead of my regular Wednesday weekly article on Cultural Commentary in The L.A. Daily Journal, California’s largest legal daily newspaper, today appeared my book review of The Partner Track, a debut novel by attorney Helen Wan. Wan has done what every first time writer dreams of: written a smart, engaging, fast paced and well-written novel that seeks to educate and enlighten with entertainingly page-turning prose that any reader will enjoy. I would not be at all surprised if this novel gets optioned. Enjoy this good read.
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Jan. 3, 2014
Well, as 2013 was winding down, I got some pretty nice news: Fifty-Fifty has won the Wild Card category at the London Book Festival!
The festival’s prizes are awarded by a panel of publishing industry experts, who looked at “general excellence and the author’s passion for telling a good story,” as well as “the potential of the work to gain a wider audience in the worldwide market.” I’m delighted that they felt Fifty-Fifty fit the bill!
The awards will be presented during a gala at the British Library in late January. I’m looking forward to it! Learning about this award was a wonderful way to end the year.
Happy New Year to everyone–here’s to the clarity of hindsight AND foresight in 2014.
Jan. 25, 2014
I was thrilled to travel to London this week to pick up the Wild Card Category prize that Fifty-Fifty won at the London Book Festival. The ceremony took place at the venerable British Library. Here are a couple of pics from the awards.
Dec. 18, 2013
My article “Womenomics, Abenomics and some small talk” appeared in today’s edition of The L.A. Daily Journal. This article discussed Vice-President Biden’s recent gaffe while in Tokyo and visiting DeNA Corporation, Abenomics in general and Womenomics in particular. It also gave a fairly in-depth analysis of some of the fundamental cultural issues in Japan facing Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s attempts to bring more women back into the work force following childbirth. While Abe’s domestic agenda should certainly be applauded, the obstacles are many. That said, as any good captain knows, it’s very tough to sail a ship employing only half a mast, no matter how big or great that half mast is. In stormy economic weather, all capable hands should be on deck.
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Dec. 11, 2013
My article “How much do you really want to know?” appeared in today’s edition of The L.A. Daily Journal. This article discussed biomarkers, biotechnology and 23andMe, the innovative personal genomics company located in Mountain View, CA, whose operations were recently suspended by the FDA. There was also a brief history on the FDA. Bottom line is that our laws have simply not kept up with the speed of the science they seek to regulate. My money, however, is on 23andMe.
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Dec. 11, 2013
I was delighted to learn this just today!-JLK
Julie L. Kessler, author of Fifty-Fifty: The Clarity of Hindsight, will appear in the 2013-2014 edition of “50 Great Writers You Should Be Reading,” a publication of TheAuthorShow.com.
Julie L. Kessler has moved from finalist to the status of winner in the contest sponsored and created by The Author Show.
Julie was chosen as a result of a public voting process. Her work, entitled Fifty-Fifty: The Clarity of Hindsight offers a warm, moving, and at times tearfully funny account of growing up in Hawaii and California as the child of a single mother, acquired a love for travel at a very early age, and struck out on her own after her mother’s death when Julie was 21, largely alone in the world. The book follows her through her exploration of family ties in Israel and Europe (including those with her elusive father), her discovery of the language, food, and magic of France, reflects on her time living in Japan, her encounters with Hill Tribe women in the mountainous countryside of Vietnam – and her chance encounter with the son of a conman whose path she’d unwittingly crossed before . . . .
The winners were announced on The Author Show website on December 5, 2013.
Dec. 4, 2013
My article "Time to reflect on the recent past"appeared in today’s edition of The L.A. Daily Journal.
This article discusses the seemingly never-ending epidemic of mass shootings around the world (Westgate Mall in Nariobi, Navy Yard in Washington, D.C., Sandy Hook in Conn., Aurora, Colo., Oslo, Norway) and how we attempt to deal with such unmitigated horrors. It also discusses the NRA’s position, Wayne LaPierre’s rhetoric and the apparent new normal in which we now live.
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Nov. 27, 2013
My article “You’ve come a long way, baby” appeared in today’s edition of The Los Angeles Daily Journal.
This article analyzed the news last week about the first three women ever: Pfc Julie Carroll, Christina Fuentes Montenegro and Katie Gorz, who successfully completed the punishing U.S. Marine Corps infantry course, and what this means respecting the final frontier of complete integration of women into the U.S. military. Indeed, you’ve come a long way, baby. Semper fi.
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Nov. 20, 2013
My article How well do you really know your partners? appeared in today’s edition of The Los Angeles Daily Journal. This article reviewed a legal case eerily similar to Frank Abagnale in “Catch me if you can,” but with a truly terrible twist. In this case, the defendant is a man who alleged to all who knew him that he was a physician who served in Vietnam and had earned a bravery commendation, among other fictions. The truth is he was a complete fraud. He was never a physician, nor was he ever in Vietnam. He is however now standing accused of murdering his girlfriend on October 26, 2011 in Beverly Hills. The single mother was stabbed so many times in her apartment that she was nearly decapitated. The defendant stated to his therapist that very same day in 2011 that “I think I killed my girlfriend.” At arraignment the defendant pled not guilty. He is due back in court later this month when the trial will finally be scheduled. Stay tuned.
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Nov. 13, 2013
My article Peter Principle and the story of Stephen Glass appeared in today’s edition of The Los Angeles Daily Journal. This article reviews the California Supreme Court consideration of whether Glass, infamous because of his journalistic fictions passed as non-fiction and the great lengths he went to in order to create them, should now be admitted to the California bar. The final decision will be rendered by the highest court in the state in just under three months.
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Nov. 7, 2013