Julie L. Kessler
lawyer traveler writer


The continuing blunder

My article on the “lifetime achievement award” bestowed by the Yellowstone Area Bar Association in Montana to Ex-Judge G. Todd Baugh, will appear in this coming Monday’s edition of The L.A. Daily Journal and The S.F. Daily Journal.

If the name sounds familiar, it’s because Baugh was the Montana Judge that sentenced a 47 year-old teacher, a convicted rapist, to 31 days in prison for the multiple rapes of his 14-year-old student. The teenager committed suicide before the case ended.

Public outcries in light of Baugh’s outrageous comments and inappropriate judicial actions that were contrary to established sentencing guidelines ended his career and forced his retirement. And not a minute too soon.

This lifetime achievement award presented to Baugh by the local bar association is a complete disgrace. It serves only to further erode public confidence in the judiciary and creates the wholesale appearance of impropriety.


Full article off copyright and now available:

Date Posted:  May 1 2015